April 15, 2011

Issue 4: April 2011

April 2011 Cover

History books that contain no lies are extremely dull.
~Anatole France


Bride of the Water by James Lecky
The Elder Brother Washing His Hands by Adrian Van Young
Anne Boleyn to the King by Jean Hollander
Newgate Jig by D. J. Cockburn
Edgar Cayce by Jack Peachum
Centurion’s Choice by R. S. Pyne
The Painting Called Love Victorious by Gabriel Malloy
Ethel Rosenberg on her Trial and Execution for Treason by Liz Dolan
Ben Johnson Day by Ricky Ginsburg


A Penny Always Has Two Sides by Steffie Steinke
Day of Revenge by Deanna Poach

Questions, comments, or concerns may be e-mailed to the editor at markenberg[at]yahoo[dot]com. If you are interested in submitting fiction, poetry, or nonfiction to Lacuna, please see our submission guidelines.