by John Medaille

John Medaille has been published on Pseudopod, Escape Pod, Dunesteef and Labyrinth Inhabitant Magazine and is working on a short story collection called: Hideous Tales of Doomed Spacemen, Demonic Cameras, Protoplasmic Flesh-Eaters, The Supernatural, U.F.O.’s, Interdimensional Beasts, Evil Children, Misunderstood Robots, Telephone Calls from Beyond the Grave, Mayhem, Murder AND THE MACABRE!
Where do you get the ideas for your work?
This work was inspired by the notebooks and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci and speculation as to what would have happened if he had turned his genius to Mussoliniesque world domination.
What do you think is the most important part of a historical fiction story?
I like to think of history as a progression of personalities, rather than as a progression of events or ideas.
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